Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Next Time I Walk Into My House I Will Be A MARATHONER!

For he will command his angels concerning you to guard you in all your ways.  Psalm 91:11

Leaving bright and early in the morning for California, with a fun stop along the way in Las Vegas (nothing like a little hot weather and pool therapy to stay loose!). I couldn't be happier with the weather forecast in San Diego on race day:

Today was a light 3 mile run, with a quick 2 miler in the morning before we leave (which equates to 4 AM). I feel good, I think taper has been a positive thing. A few twinges/aches here and there, but nothing alarming. At this point I am more worried about race day logistics of finding/getting to the starting line, and finding my family at the finish line! And, of course, just GETTING to the finish line is a pretty big priority.

Time to finish packing, I can hardly believe it!

Sunday, May 20, 2012

Toenails are for Sissies!

Then said Jesus unto his disciples, If any man will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow me. Matthew 16:24

This being the weekend, it was time for my weekly long run. "Long" being relative, my 13.1 mile run today would have seemed exhausting just a few months ago. But today it felt like a break compared to last Saturday's 21 miles. Next weekend is only 8 miles, as my legs continue to rest up and rejuvenate during this taper period leading up to my marathon. My marathon, which happens to be two weeks from today!

My feet felt awesome since having replaced my old worn out shoes ("old" also being a relative word, got them in January....ran in them for four months, put over 500 miles on them).

Oh how I would love a pedicure, but alas, I have at least three toenails that are partially lifting and look like they would like to fall off (a dirty little marathon training secret). Not all people training for marathons lose toenails, but some are doomed. I appear to be in that group, I have done literally everything and tried every trick to maintain my pretty toes. Oh well, my bruised and damaged toenails are nothing compared to the pain and suffering Jesus endured for me. He has assured me He will NEVER leave me during this journey, but He never promised it would be easy.

Now it is time to focus on a much greater joy, and source of pride. My son Joshua is graduating from high school May 25, and will be headed to college this fall to study Mechanical Engineering. I am so very proud of him, and all of my children.

And who am I kidding? I'm looking forward to the upcoming two weeks of majorly decreased mileage. Maybe my toenails will cheer up, too!

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Let the Taper Madness Begin!

For God did not give us a spirit of timidity, but a spirit of power, of love and of self-discipline. 2 Timothy 1:7

Indeed, 3 weeks from today my feet will cross the starting line of my first marathon. I can hardly believe it.

To date I have had two 18 mile runs, a 20 miler and my final long run of 21.22 miles yesterday. Yes, my training plan stopped at 20 miles. But my brain just had to know I could go further. Crazy how mental running is.

I ran the 20 miler two weeks ago with friends from my running group. Four hours of talking, laughing, encouraging, sharing and holding back tears on the killer 12% incline we hit during mile 19 helped pass the time. And once we got to the top of that hill, we all three cheered for Jesus, the One Who deserves all credit and glory.

Yesterday, though, I had to do my 21.22 mile run alone. It took me exactly 4 hours, and I felt pretty good when I was done. Today I feel great, even managed a 5 mile recovery run just to loosen up a little. Truthfully, I don't know which is harder. Running that distance, or staying with it for 4 hours. A little of both, but it was good mental preparation for the marathon I am about to run by myself (well, me and 50,000 other runners!).

Today is Mother's Day, my beloved family gave me what I asked for....new shoes and a sun visor. My Brooks Adrenalines have not failed me, and I replaced the outgoing pair with the exact same model.  This is my third pair of Adrenalines. I was happy to get over 500 miles out the outgoing pair, especially considering how many of those miles were on concrete and rough terrain.

So bring on taper. Crazy woman that I am, I'm already concocting my plan to run another marathon on September 22 here in Denver...16 weeks from my June 3rd marathon. Which means I have to do the standard 4 week recovery running, then slide back into a marathon plan at the midway point. CRAZINESS! I am so hooked.

In the spirit of my tired and achy feet, which were very glad to see the old shoes retire:

Now to stay steadfast and not start doubting myself. I have trained hard, and trained smart. My training WILL see me through. Most of all, Jesus will be with me, so I can't go wrong.