Perspective is a funny thing. To my non-runner friends, my training schedule sounds monumental. However, compared to my veteran marathoner friends, it's pretty fledgling as far as marathon training goes.
But for me, reaching the point in training during which I have two long runs per week is a big deal. Wednesday has always been a 'sorta long run,' flanked by two shorter runs on Tuesday and Thursday. From this point on, Wednesday's runs are anywhere from 8 to 10 miles long, with Tuesday and Thursday being 5 miles. This Saturday is a 16 mile long run, which I will be increasing by two miles per week from here on out (with a cutback weekend every 3 weeks). This will allow for two 20 mile runs before I enter the taper phase of training plan. My weekly mileage will peak somewhere around 40 to 45 miles, assuming I don't need to miss any weekday runs for extra rest.
I am reminded this Lenten Season that first and foremost in my life must be God. Period. No debate. However, it is so easy to try to check Jesus at the curb with the rest of the cheering crowd. It's so easy to make this all about ME. Running becomes a false idol.
Well, it's NOT all about me. It's all about HIM. My Lord and Savior Jesus, who by His very grace I am blessed to have two legs, two feet, and the strength to do this. Without Him I am nothing. Without Him, I can't do this. He is my Running Coach, plain and simple. He will give me one more breath, one more step, one more mile, until I reach the finish line. I rely solely upon Him.
I love this prayer:
Run by my side, live in my heartbeat. Give strength to my steps. As the cold surrounds me, as the wind pushes me, I know you surround me, as the rain cleanses me, I know you are touching me, challenging me, loving me. And so I give you this run. Thank you for matching my stride. Amen