Tuesday, January 3, 2012

The Loner Who Joined a Running Group

Where there is no guidance, a people falls, but in an abundance of counselors there is safety. Proverbs 11:14

I'm a bit of a homebody. My husband is by far my best friend, and spending time with him and our kids is my favorite thing. Never been a big one on Bunco (tried it), MOPS (tried that too), or even group bible studies (and I love Jesus!!). Just not really a 'joiner.'

But, running for 2 or 3 hours at a time can get pretty lonely, even for a loner. Not to mention I tend to stick to the same trusted route, because it is very well traveled and safe for women...gets a tad boring.

After much thought, last fall I decided to join a local women's running group. A big step for me! Received a welcome letter and a calendar in the mail. There is a subgroup that trains for long distance, perfect for my weekend long runs. AND...all ability levels/ Fast runners, slow runners, walk/runners. And all ages!

Sounds perfect! Except, as of January 1st, two months later, I had YET to join this group for an activity or run. Busy schedules, college daughter home for Christmas Break...with four kids I always have a 'busy' excuse.

Until yesterday, January 2nd...I officially committed to run with the distance runners this weekend.

Today just happens to be my birthday. Life is full of surprises, full of "I never thought I would..." events, twists and turns. That's what happens when God is in the driver's seat.

It feels weird stepping out of my comfort zone, but one of the things running over 13 miles has taught me, is I can do it! I can do anything thanks to my Perfect Running Coach.

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