Sunday, January 1, 2012

I really CAN do all things through Christ Who strengthens me!!

I can do all things through Christ Who strengthens me.  Phillipians 4:13

January 1, seems it is about time I begin blogging my amazing journey. Not sure why I have waited, but it probably has to do with the continued disbelief that I am actually doing this to begin with. I've never been what would be considered even remotely athletic, but I have found something I can do...I can run, and I can run FAR. I'll never win a race, but I will finish as many as the Lord allows me to run.

And let me say this right now...

I have been an off and on 'runner' for years, since high school. During those years my running was more or less a means towards general fitness, never more than 3 or so miles at a time. There were years during which I didn't run at all, but always maintained a pretty regular exercise schedule. I always returned to running, my 3 or so miles...but would get board, or listen to the people who warned me I was doomed to arthritis if I didn't stop running. While finishing my Master's Degree in Wellness, I learned A LOT about running. Turns out it doesn't sentence you to a wheelchair or early hip replacement! Who knew?

March 23, 2010, is the day I went from being an off and on runner to a full-on RUNNER. I have not missed a week of running since, not even vacations. And three miles was the STARTING point, a distance that I now consider a warm-up run.

With my loving family cheering for me at the finish line, and my wonderful husband clicking away the camera, I've had some amazing experiences at races.

The Firecracker 5K, July 4, 2010 was my very first race. I was so proud and thrilled to cross that finish line!

May 15, 2011, on a 32 degree rainy morning I lined up to run the Colfax Half Marathon.

I crossed the finish line 2 hours and 15 minutes later, feeling quite proud! It was a hard run, but run I did, the whole way. No walk breaks, which was my main goal.

My first medal...not ashamed to admit I run for bling!

October 9th, 2011 I ran my second half marathon, the Denver Rock 'n Roll, in 2 hours 11 minutes:

And it was on this very day I decided I would move on to the full distance of 26.2 miles.

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